The Benefits of Housing First
Studies from across the country found that when we combine affordable housing with services, people stayed housed, even when they had a long history of homelessness.

Did you know it doesn’t have to be brutally cold to experience hypothermia? If a person suffers ongoing exposure to even 70 degrees without thermal protection and food or nutrients, he or she can become hypothermic. Honestly, some of the most dangerous environmental situations occur in temperate climates when the temperature drops suddenly.

Homelessness and Sleep Deprivation
Conventional wisdom says that the average adult should aim to get about eight hours of sleep each night. Children need significantly more sleep time while older adults may manage with less. Before the invention of effective artificial lighting, the cycle of night and day regulated sleeping patterns. People worked during the daylight hours and when night fell they went to bed.

Homelessness is More Than A Word
We live in a world of stereotypes and prejudgements that make it easy to ignore diseases and focus on symptoms. If someone is chronically homeless, they have been caught in a net of poverty and transient circumstances that very well might condition them to reject measures to help them find permanent residence. Combating these issues is a process that transcends conventional ideas that assist people who are rendered homeless due to sudden circumstances. Homelessness manifests itself in different ways and calls for person-specific solutions.